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Review Article Types and Formats of Physical Activity
24-07-09 19:51
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Review Article Types and Formats for ACK 2024 and ACK 2025

Following is the information for the Keynote Speakers and Highlighted Symposium team, who will be submitting a review article to the Physical Activity.

Type of Review articles to choose from:

  • Original Research
  • Review
  • Mini-review

Case Study

The format of the article types:

Original Research

Original research is papers that report unpublished studies containing the results of basic and clinical investigations, which are sufficiently well documented to be acceptable to critical readers. It also encompasses confirming studies and disconfirming results, allowing hypothesis elimination, reformulation and/or report on the non-reproducibility of previously published results. Original Research articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 5,000, and may contain no more than 5 Figures/Tables. The total number of references for a review article is recommended to be equal to or less than 35. Original Research articles should have the following format: 1) Abstract, 2) Introduction, 3) Materials and Methods, 4) Results, and 5) Discussion.


Review papers cover topics that have seen significant development or progress in recent years, with comprehensive depth and a balanced perspective. Reviews should present a complete overview of the state of the art (and should not merely summarize the literature), as well as discuss the following: 1) Different schools of thought or controversies, 2) Fundamental concepts, issues, and problems, 3) Current research gaps, 4) Potential developments in the field. Review articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 5,000, and may contain no more than 10 Figures/Tables. The total number of references for a review article is recommended to be equal to or less than 50. Review articles should have the following format: 1) Abstract, 2) Introduction, 3) Subsections relevant to the subject, and 4) Discussion. Review articles must not include unpublished material (unpublished/original data, submitted manuscripts, or personal communications) and may be rejected in review or reclassified, at a significant delay, if found to include such content.


Mini Review papers cover focused aspects of a current area of investigation and its recent developments. They offer a succinct and clear summary of the topic, allowing readers to get up to date on new developments and/or emerging concepts, as well as discuss the following: 1) Different schools of thought or controversies, 2) Current research gaps, 3) Potential future developments in the field. Mini-Reviews articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 3,000, and may contain no more than 2 Figures/Tables. Mini Review articles should have the following format: 1) Abstract, 2) Introduction, 3) Subsections relevant to the subject, and 4) Discussion. Mini Review articles must not include unpublished material (unpublished/original data, submitted manuscripts, or personal communications) and may be rejected or reclassified, at a significant delay, if found to include such content.

Case Study

Case Studies are detailed narratives that describe, for medical, scientific, or educational purposes, a medical problem experienced by one or several patients. These reports present clinical observations customarily collected in healthcare delivery settings1. They are an essential part of medical research and practice, showcasing real-life examples of patients who have encountered rare or unusual medical conditions. The total number of references for a case report is recommended to be equal to or less than 10. Case Study papers are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 1,500, and may contain no more than 2 Figures/Tables. Case Study papers should have the following format: 1) Introduction, 2) Case Presentation, 3) Discussion.