
About ASK

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  • About ASK

The Asian Society of Kinesiology (ASK) is an international non-profit organization founded during the 7th Asia Conference on Kinesiology in Incheon, Korea, in 2016. Prior to the establishment of ASK, we had held the North East Conference on Kinesiology (NACK) six times.

The purpose of ASK is to research the specialty of kinesiology and to develop an integrated kinesiologist qualification system, with special attention given to the convergence fields of kinesiology and sports medicine in the context of the fourth industrial revolution.

ASK associates scientists are committed to the mission of ASK through individual membership. By organizing the ASK Annual Meeting, ASK provides a networking platform to share knowledge.

Definition of Kinesiology

Kinesiology is an academic discipline that involves the study of physical activity and its impact on health, society, and quality of life. This includes, but is not limited to, exercise science, sports management, athletic training and sports medicine, socio-cultural analyses of sports, sport and exercise psychology, fitness leadership, physical education-teacher education, and pre-professional training for medicine and health care related fields.

Vision & Mission


Human movement is essential for human survival and quality of life. Thus, the importance of kinesiology and the role of kinesiologists will be increasingly highlighted in the future. We will conduct studies and research the field of kinesiology to strengthen and cultivate the specialty and professionalism of kinesiology within Asia via ASK. We aspire for the importance of kinesiologists to be more widely acknowledged internationally as experts in the field of human movement.

We need to benchmark medical doctor license programs, integrate various kinesiologist certification programs from each country, and develop advanced education programs to train the future Asian kinesiologists. We believe that our students, whose abilities are verified by the new qualification system developed by ASK, will greater success in the expanding job market in Asia. Accordingly, kinesiologists will play a significant role and attain a high level of socio-economic status in a variety of fields related to kinesiology in the future.


ASK believes that human movement is essential for human survival and quality of life. We would like to share this belief with everyone in the fields of science, education, sociology, and philosophy to provide opportunities for an in-depth exchange of information, experience, and expertise among kinesiologists, and to discuss advanced education programs and appropriate certification systems.

There has been a significant advancement in the knowledge of kinesiology due to diverse scientific efforts in the areas of physical education, health fitness, and sport. In the future, the academic domain of human movement is expected to expand beyond the traditional horizon to cover leisure, culture, art, industry, medicine, and national policy to solve a variety of social pathologies and pathological problems. Therefore, it is imperative that we, as kinesiologists, extend the scope of study and prepare vocational prospects to accommodate the needs of such areas.

The code of conduct of ASK is as follows:

  • Research and develop kinesiology.
  • Spread information of kinesiology through workshops, conferences, and academic journals.
  • Develop policies for public participation in physical activities.
  • Improve professionalism, vocational environment, and socioeconomic status of kinesiologists.