The ASK is delighted to invite you to submit your abstracts for the 2nd ASK ANNUAL MEETING: the 8th Asia Conference on Kinesiology, 2017 in conjunction with the 18th World Congress for Kinesiologists. These meetings will be held 30 November to 4 December this year at KEIMYUNG UNIVERSITY in Daegu, Korea. The abstracts from various related fields of kinesiology are welcomed in the program. Please read more here
Important dates of ACK2017 : - Abstract Submission : May 1 ~ June 30, 2017 - Early Bird Registration : May 1 ~ July 30, 2017
Dr. Sang Chul Park has received his MD and PhD degrees from Seoul National University, and has finished his postdoctoral fellowship at Earl Stadtman's Laboratory, NIH, USA. He is now nominated as the Chaired Professor for Well Aging Research Center at DGIST (Daegu Geongbuk Institute of Science and Technology). He served as Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Seoul National University Medical School for 33 years, and Directors to Aging and Apoptosis Research Center sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology, WHO collaborating center for Physical Culture and Aging Research for Health Promotion as well as the Institute on Aging, Seoul National University. There is more information here
The Asian Society of Kinesiology (ASK) is aiming to develop the Integrated Kinesiologists¡¯ Qualification System (IKQS) to improve professionalism, employment environment, and social & economic status of kinesiologists in Asia. ASK would like to open a workshop for the Faculty of the Asian Society of Kinesiology (FASK) to lead and promote IKQS in each country. If you participate in this workshop, you will be qualified to be a member of FASK. Applicants for FASK should register the ACK2017 prior to the registration of this workshop in Events of our website and remember that FASCK participate in at least one of ASK meetings biannually to maintain the position of FASK. If you want more information, click here
The Asia Conference on Kinesiology Organizing Committee (ACKOC) is inviting speakers for Highlighted Symposiums, Tutorial-Lectures and Workshops at ACK2017. The candidate of representative presenter or chairperson for each session should apply to the ACKOC via e-mail (to: including the title, outline, and CV of chairperson(s) and author(s) until March 31, 2017. Please read more here
Awards of ASK
Young Investigators Award (YIA): This award will be given to abstract presenters who are the first (primary) authors of the abstracts and win the best score in the oral (3 people) and mini-oral (3 people) presentations according to the evaluation of YIA examiners appointed by ACKOC, provided that all laureates should be under the age of 40 at the time of the conference closing ceremony. Participants who want to receive the YIA should apply to the YIA in the process of abstract submission and complete registration within the period that the ACKOC announces. All applications of YIA can be only in English Session. The amount of cash prize for YIA at ACK2017 will be increased more than ACK2016. Please read more here
The undergraduate presentation awards (UPA): The ACKOC has planned the undergraduate presentation award to stir up desire of undergraduate college students to study kinesiology, and give a chance to present their research results in front of an audience. Types of Abstracts will be classified to two kinds of research: Part 1 will contain descriptive or experimental research, and Part 2 will be creative or case studies. Only English oral presentation type is permitted in this competition. Presentation time is 10 minutes including 2 minutes of Q/A. The undergraduate college students who want to apply to UPA should online-register at the event menu section of ACK2017 website and submit the application in the period (May 1 to June 30, 2017). Please read more here
The ACKOC has decided the types of program and a tentative calendar for ACK2017, provided that this plan is subject to change according to the number of abstracts, guest speakers, and participants in YIAs and Workshop for the Faculty of Asian Society of Kinesiology (FASK). There is more information here
Daegu in Korea, the center of Yeongnam province, with 2.5 million, is historical city taking over great culture from Silla Dynasty and Gaya Period. It is strongly recommended for you to experience such as creative, gourmet, or healing tour in Daegu having the countless number of heritages, past and future. more