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The Results of ACK2016
17-01-11 13:35
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Appreciation after the 1st Annual Meeting of the Asian Society of Kinesiology; ACK 2016: 

I would like to thank everyone participating at the Asia Conference on Kinesiology, 2016 (ACK2016) and the inaugural meeting of Asian Society of Kinesiology (ASK).  

In particular, I extend my deep gratitude to 30 invited speakers that sacrificially participated in the process of successfully hosting the ACK2016 and establishing the ASK. I hope that their great services and contributions will be long remembered in the history of ASK.

I would also like to show my respect to the members of Preparatory Committee for the Foundation of Asian Society of Kinesiology (PCFASK) that provided support in the effort to establish the ASK, and the members of ASK who attended the inaugural meeting of ASK and selected me as the first president of ASK.  

The ACK2016 as the 1st Annual Meeting of ASK was held in conjunction with the 17th World Congress for Korean and Asian Kinesiologists. At these events, a total of 795 people have participated, including 286 people at the ACK2016. Including the presentation by Dr. Kobayashi, Kando who presented adviser¡¯s lecture, there were presentations by 184 speakers at ACK2016.

The results of the 7th Asia Conference of Kinesiology (ACK2016) in conjunction with the 17th World Congress for

 Korean and Asian Kinesiologists (WCKAK2016) are as followings in detail:


1. Participants: 795 persons

 ᆞACK2016: 286 persons

 ᆞWCKAK2016: 509 persons 

2. Presentations


presentations in ACK 2016.JPG


As the 2nd Annual Meeting of ASK, ACK2017 will be held 30 November to 4 December this year at KEIMYUNG UNIVERSITY in Daegu, Korea. The website of the ACK2017 as the 2nd ASK ANNAUL MEETING will be open soon.


To ensure the stability and advancement of ASK and facilitate effective event preparation, we have determined in advance the host locations for our future ACK: ACK 2018, Taichung Taiwan; ACK 2019, Yokyakarta, Indonesia; ACK2020, Chonburi, Thailand; ACK 2021, Stukuba, Japan.

I early look forward to meeting with all of you once again at the 2nd Annual Meeting of ASK, ACK2017 in Daegu, Korea and hope that you would continue join us for other future events as well.

Thank you.

Jung Sok Oak, Ph.D.

President, Asian Society of Kinesiology, ASK

Chairperson, Asia Conference on Kinesiology organizing Committee, ACKOC