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News Letter the 3rd Issue, July 11, 2016.
16-07-18 10:23
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1. Online Registration
Online registration of the Asia Conference on Kinesiology (ACK) 2016 has begun and is available until July 31. After this period, the registration fee will be increased. Also, the Asia Conference on
Kinesiology Organization Committee(ACKOC) would like to recommend all participants to register at the earliest possible for efficient organization of the event.
2. Abstract Submission
The ACKOC will close abstract submission early for the efficient preparation of the event. Abstract submission and registration are available on the website. The categories of the abstracts are as followed.
- Health and Fitness
- Education and Culture
- Clinical and Rehabilitation Cases
- Sports Performance
- Policy and Social Support
- Fusion and Convergence in Kinesiology
- Other fields of interest

3. Special Programs
The ACKOC is preparing various kinds of special programs to improve and enhance the academic quality of the event. The types of special programs of the ACK 2016 are as below:
- Keynote Lecture : Lectures will be provided by renowned experts of each academic community.
- The Symposium on Integrated Kinesiologist Qualification System : An in-depth symposium will be held to discuss the integrated kinesiologist certification system for Asian countries.
- Highlighted Symposium : These sessions are to enhance profound academic exchange in each field.
- Tutorial Lecture : A critical review and analysis of the current state of knowledge in the field. The lecture will familiarize attendees with the basics of several important subjects, recent agendas related to them, their challenges and limitations, and inquiries related to them.
- Workshop : The workshops will deliver professional and practical knowledge in the fields related to sports rehabilitation, clinical exercise, personal training, and etc.
4. Introduction of Keynote Lecture
We would like to introduce one of our keynote speakers; Dr. Lu, Frank J.H. He is a professor of the Department of Physical Education at Chinese Culture University, a director at the Graduate Institute of Sport Coaching Science of Chinese Culture University, and a vice president of the Asian South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology (ASPASP). He will deliver a lecture about ¢®¢çThe Effects of Stress on Athlete Burnout: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis¢®¯.
5. Registration for the Chairman¢®¯s Cup Tennis League from June 11
A tennis league to commemorate the Asia Conference of Kinesiology (ACK) 2016 and the foundation of the Asian Society of Kinesiology (ASK) will be held. ACKOC are receiving applications for participation on our website from June 11 (MON), so please apply in established procedures if you want to take part in the league.
6. Hotel Information
In Songdo, Incheon where the ASK 2016 will be held, you would find various kinds of excellent accommodations. Also, the ACKOC will provide the information on affordable guest houses, so please let us know if you need more information.
7. Reservation for the Guest House Available from June 11 (MON)
Attendees of the ACK 2016 can stay at the Global Guest House in Songdo, Incheon. Students may use standard rooms (Twin, $ 50 per night), and professors may use VIP rooms (Single, $ 100 per night). You can register at the ACK 2016 website from June 11 (MON).
8. Tour
We would like to recommend attendees to visit Myeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul in Korea. Myeong-dong is one of the most popular places for shopping and eating. Also you will be able to find many trend spots related to K-pop culture in Korea. Please see the link below for more information.

Office & Inquiry:
ACKOC, Asia Conference on Kinesiology Organization Committee
PCFASK, Preparatory Committee for Foundation of Asian Society of Kinesiology
Address: 10-304 Gangnam Sangga, 303, Hyoryong-ro, Seochogu, Seoul, Korea (06643)
Tel: 82-2-586-3813 Fax: 82-2-586-3819